SLO, C3 and ChemistryNL in conversation with chemistry teachers about the renewal of “NASK-2” within VMBO

During the annual congress for chemistry teachers from secondary schools, SLO, C3 and ChemistryNL held a master class to talk about “NASK-2”, the chemistry subject at VMBO.

The NASK-2 curriculum is very outdated, the last revision dates from 1999. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has ordered the curriculum to be revised next year. In Woudschoten, images and wishes of chemistry teachers were discussed.

The aim of the new curriculum is to provide students with modern education that is more in line with the subject and the professional field. At the same time, education must also be made more interesting and attractive, so that students will more quickly opt for a chemistry education in the MBO (process technology, laboratory technology). Influx into these chemistry MBO courses has decreased considerably in recent years, as is also apparent from the latest update of the labor market monitor.

See also this link for additional information about the curriculum revision.

If you would like to participate in the discussion on this subject, please send an email to

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