TNO launches 25th spin-off company: Relement

TNO launches 25th spin-off company: Relement in the presence of the EZK State Secretary Mona Keijzer. Relement, creates chemical building blocks based on bio-residuals instead of oil, thereby helping to make the chemical industry more sustainable.

State Secretary Mona Keijzer (EZK): “I congratulate Roger Blokland, Managing Director and Founder of Relement, on this new company based on Dutch knowledge. And, of course, the same goes to TNO for their 25th spin-off. It is enormously important that a smart idea reaches the market quickly via entrepreneurs. This creates jobs and is also good for society – in the case of Relement, by making residual products (which everyone turns their noses up at) usable again. Thanks to institutions such as TNO, innovation can benefit our entire country.”

Read the full article on the TNO website.

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