New ‘Nationaal Platform Plastics Recycling’ is collaborating on new technologies for the circular economy

On 4 February, the ‘Nationaal Platform Plastics Recycling’ is launched. A national contact, coordination and communication point for public-private partnerships within plastics recycling. By mapping the blank spots in the current state of the art, new groundbreaking partnerships and an acceleration of upscaling and implementation will be within reach throughout the chain.

New National Plastics Recycling Platform
During the Circular Plastics Conference of ISPT and DPI on February 4th, Emmo Meijer (chair of Mission Circular Economy and figurehead Top Sector ChemistryNL) announced the “National Platform Plastics Recycling”. The platform consists of innovation communities from various core disciplines. It will map out the current state of the art and from there identify white spots and opportunities for mutual cooperation. Based on the overview, the platform wants to establish new public-private partnerships and advise the government.

It is clear to the platform that a systems approach is crucial, with a mix of technologies currently in various development stages. Efforts must be made to focus on both the blank spots for innovation and to accelerate upscaling and implementation. However, this is not possible without chain cooperation.

Read the full article on the website of the Nationaal Platform Plastics Recycling.

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