Great Outreach Challenge for ChemistryNL talent students started

On Saturday 26 November, 90 of our ISPT/COAST talent students gathered at Inholland University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam for the start of the ‘Great Outreach Challenge 2022-2023′. Because who better to explain to the intended new generation of chemists why it is so fun and important to choose a study/career in chemistry! The students will work in 10 mixed teams for the next 4 months. Their outreach message must be linked to one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, or sustainabililty challenges of the chemical industry. The students receive help from Stichting C3, the center for youth communication in chemistry. Ideas must also be tested in practice by the teams. On March 25, 2023, the teams will present their results and the best 2 teams will be awarded a prize.

Our talent programmes



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