ChemistryNL Student Competition (now closed)

Ready to work on your career? Join the ChemistryNL Student Competition and earn a paid internship for two months!

NWO organizes the ChemistryNL Student Competition, powered by ChemistryNL and NWO. Student teams from universities and universities of applied sciences are invited to submit ideas for creative research projects, focusing on societal or industrial challenges. The competition is open for chemistry students, but also for interdisciplinary teams with students in e.g. biology, physics, computer science, as long as the research question has a strong chemical component.

Winning student teams:

2019 – NanopLESStic
Team NanopLESStic developed a new type of nanoplastic filter, which can be used as a sensor or to remove nanoplastics from drinking water.

2018 – Beads vs beats
Team Beads vs Beats develops a new material for better and more efficient isolation of low-frequency sound: a metafoam.

2017 – CRISPR Clear
The CRISPR Clear team has developed an inexpensive, portable detection device – CRISPR Clear – that can detect any potential bioweapons within an hour. Besides detecting bioweapons, this device can also be used to detect various diseases. CRISPR Clear can be used for detection work outside the lab.