Silke Diedenhofen will be the new secretary of TKI Green Chemistry and Circularity. She takes over the position from Vera Meester, who will become Team Leader for Chemistry & Physics at NWO. To ensure a smooth transition, Vera will gradually transfer her duties to Silke in the coming weeks.
Silke combines her new position with that of program coordinator at NWO. The experience she has already gained will come in handy in the secretariat position: ‘I notice that many processes at ChemistryNL are comparable to the NWO processes. I also have extensive experience with, for example, organizing calls for PPP projects.’
Although Silke has only just started her introductory period, she is already enthusiastic about her new position: ‘It is a very varied job where you are a spider in the web. I also find it fascinating to become active in a new network.’ Vera Meester is happy with her successor: ‘For example, we are figuring out how we can best shape the new PPP allowance scheme. Silke’s experience is very valuable.’
Vera is looking forward to her new position, but will also miss her old one: ‘I loved working with so many enthusiastic people. A mountain of work is done every year with only a limited number of TKI colleagues. I’m quite proud of that. And I am also proud of our PPP project portfolio: the project partners have many different backgrounds: SMEs, multinationals and knowledge institutions all work together to strengthen Dutch chemistry. It is precisely this diversity that is important: we work on innovation at all levels for a stronger sector.’