ChemistryNL makes a budget available for public-private partnerships within circularity research via the TKI Green Chemistry and Circularity. €1.5 million is available for the theme of cricularity of consumer goods. In addition, €1.5 million is also available for research into innovations in the field of critical raw materials. Submissions must be made no later than July 9.
Circularity is a priority theme within the mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy and the biobased and chemical field plays a crucial role in realizing innovations. Through this call for PPP-i allowance projects, the TKI wants to stimulate innovations within this specific theme and specifically calls on young researchers and SMEs to submit applications.
Half of the budget is reserved for research into innovations in the field of circularity of consumer or consumer goods. The other half is intended for projects in the field of innovations in the field of critical raw materials. Critical raw materials are used in many products, including electronics, solar panels, wind turbines and medical equipment, and are of great economic importance for the Netherlands and Europe. Technological and geopolitical developments are putting pressure on the availability of these raw materials for the Netherlands. The chemical industry plays a crucial role in innovation to ensure availability.
Applications can be emailed until July 9, 2024, stating ‘Application for PPS-i allowance 2024 Circularity’or ‘Application for PPS-i allowance 2024 Critical Raw Materials’ to and
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