The Innovation Attaché network in São Paulo is organizing in collaboration with ChemistryNL a webinar for Dutch companies active in biorefining on February 27. The aim is to provide more information about this industry in Brazil and a specific state of São Paulo. There is also a (limited) opportunity for companies to pitch.
Target group are Dutch companies active in the field of biorefineries with an interest in innovating in Brazil. However, the event will be open for any other participant as well.
There will be speakers from the private sector (sugar and energy industry), state government and funding agencies (RVO and Brazilian equivalents). The agenda is still in development, if you have specific parties you would like to include or if If you would like to pitch your own technology, please let us know. If the demand is too high, we will have to make a selection.
The webinar will take place on February 27th, at 9:00 (Brazilian time) or 13:00 (Dutch time), and takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. The webinar will be in English and will use Zoom.