ChemistryNL announces the establishment of the Bio-based Resources Committee, which will develop an action agenda for bio-based resources in the chemical sector. The committee, consisting of renowned scientists and industry representatives, will be chaired by Dr. Ir. Sjoukje Heimovaara, President of Wageningen University & Research.
Biobased raw materials are of great importance as a replacement for fossil raw materials in the sustainability of the chemical industry and in reducing CO2 emissions. However, there are still too many challenges that stand in the way of the development towards green chemistry. The government and the business community are asking the committee, through ChemistryNL, to come up with a concrete action agenda as an independent group of experts, in which, among other things, availability, processing technology for the right applications, regulations and economic feasibility of biobased raw materials are examined.
As a basis for the agenda, the committee will initially use existing studies, advisory reports, implementation programmes and initiatives in the field of the biobased economy and stakeholders will be involved in the validation of components from the agenda. Consultancy firm Berenschot will act as process supervisor for the committee.
The development of the action agenda is an important step in the efforts of government and industry to make the Netherlands a pioneer in making the chemical industry more sustainable and to contribute to the circular economy. The findings of the committee will also contribute to the new bio-based raw materials strategy of the government, the transition path for sustainable carbon use in the chemical industry that will be sent to the House of Representatives this autumn and to the Action Plan for the Supply of Sustainable Carbon Carriers, of which imports are an important part.
The final result is expected before the summer of 2025. The committee will soon announce the full list of committee members.